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Neem Cake

Neem Cake, also known as Neem Meal, is an excellent all natural fertilizer for enriching garden and agricultural soils and encouraging optimum plant development. Cold pressed from the seeds of the fast growing neem tree (Azadirachta indica), neem meal provides fertility benefits for short and long season crops and improves the organic matter content of soils. Neem meal can be mixed into soils or potting media, used as a top dress around established plants or used to make natural teas.



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Neem Cake

Product Information

Natural Protection

Neem strengthens the organic content in the soil by reducing its alkalinity and producing organic acids on decomposition. Being completely natural, neem is compatible with soil microbes, nurtures healthy bacteria and ensures stronger texture, higher water holding capacity and aeration in the soil, all contributing towards better root development. Neem makes the soil more fertile due to an ingredient that blocks soil bacteria from converting nitrogenous compounds into nitrogen gas. As a nitrification inhibitor, neem prolongs the availability of nitrogen to both short duration and long duration crops.


• Promotes a rich, dark green leaf color.
• Protects plant roots and enhances growth.
• Encourages beneficial organisms.
• A favorite for organic gardening.
• Will not burn plants.

What is neem meal?

Neem trees have long been celebrated as a natural soil enhancer and is planted throughout southeast Asia and tropical regions around the world. Much of the neem tree, from the leaves to the bark and seeds, can be used as both an organic fertilizer and pesticide to increase gardening yields. Neem meal is what's leftover after they crush the seeds to get neem oil.

Why should I use neem meal?

Neem is ideal for potting mixes and garden soils, neem meal (Azadirachta indica) is OMRI Listed for use in organic production. Neem meal what remains after the seeds have been processed for oil. A slow-release nitrogen source (5%), it can be used to build good soil structure and grow stronger, more resilient plants. 

What's in neem meal?

Neem protects from the multitude of pests with a multitude of natural ingredients. Compounds belonging to a general class of natural products called "triterpenes"; more specifically, "limonoids." So far, at least nine neem limonoids have demonstrated an ability to block insect growth, affecting a range of species that includes some of the most deadly pests of agriculture and human health. New limonoids are still being discovered in neem, but Azadirachtin, Salannin, Meliantriol and Nimbin are the best known and, for now at least, seem to be the most significant.

How do I use neem meal?

In many ways, neem meal is an almost perfect form of fertilizer. They have high enough levels of NPK nutrients to make them a huge help in organic gardens. Also, they contain enough azadirachtin to keep soil pests away. When used with other fertilizers, neem meal can enhance their efficiency and slowly release their own nutrients. This means that your plants benefit from constant access to the nutrients and experience little risk of getting burned by too much nitrogen exposure. Studies show that garden yields can be 15-25% higher when neem meal is used.


1 cup  ≈ 5 oz.

Vegetable Gardens & Flower Beds: To prepare new gardens, apply 2.5-5 lbs.  per 100 square feet and thoroughly mix into the top 3" of soil. For new  transplants, add 1-2 tablespoons per hole, mix into soil and water in well. For  established plants, side dress ½ - 1 cup, depending on size of plant, once  each month during the growing season.

Containers: For new plantings, add ⅛ - ¼ cup per  gallon of soil and mix thoroughly OR add 5-10 lbs. per cubic yard. For  established plants, lightly mix 2-4 tablespoons per gallon into the soil  surface once each month during the growing season.

Trees & Shrubs: Spread 1-2 lbs. per 1" of trunk  diameter around the base outwards to the drip line, mix into soil surface and  water in well. For new trees, prepare transplant hole and mix 1-2 cups with  the backfill soil. Use amended soil to fill in around new tree and water in  well.

Liquid Preparations: Add 2-4 tbsp. per gallon of water and  let steep up to 48 hours agitating periodically. Apply the solution directly  to the soil around plants or filter and apply as a foliar spray. Be sure to  use all the solution once it is prepared.

Neem Cake

Neem Cake

Neem Cake, also known as Neem Meal, is an excellent all natural fertilizer for enriching garden and agricultural soils and encouraging optimum plant development. Cold pressed from the seeds of the fast growing neem tree (Azadirachta indica), neem meal provides fertility benefits for short and long season crops and improves the organic matter content of soils. Neem meal can be mixed into soils or potting media, used as a top dress around established plants or used to make natural teas.


OMRI Listed




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Versatile and Economical


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Natural Protection

Neem strengthens the organic content in the soil by reducing its alkalinity and producing organic acids on decomposition. Being completely natural, neem is compatible with soil microbes, nurtures healthy bacteria and ensures stronger texture, higher water holding capacity and aeration in the soil, all contributing towards better root development. Neem makes the soil more fertile due to an ingredient that blocks soil bacteria from converting nitrogenous compounds into nitrogen gas. As a nitrification inhibitor, neem prolongs the availability of nitrogen to both short duration and long duration crops.


• Promotes a rich, dark green leaf color.
• Protects plant roots and enhances growth.
• Encourages beneficial organisms.
• A favorite for organic gardening.
• Will not burn plants.

Common Questions

What is neem meal?

Neem trees have long been celebrated as a natural soil enhancer and is planted throughout southeast Asia and tropical regions around the world. Much of the neem tree, from the leaves to the bark and seeds, can be used as both an organic fertilizer and pesticide to increase gardening yields. Neem meal is what's leftover after they crush the seeds to get neem oil.

Why should I use neem meal?

Neem is ideal for potting mixes and garden soils, neem meal (Azadirachta indica) is OMRI Listed for use in organic production. Neem meal what remains after the seeds have been processed for oil. A slow-release nitrogen source (5%), it can be used to build good soil structure and grow stronger, more resilient plants. 

What's in neem meal?

Neem protects from the multitude of pests with a multitude of natural ingredients. Compounds belonging to a general class of natural products called "triterpenes"; more specifically, "limonoids." So far, at least nine neem limonoids have demonstrated an ability to block insect growth, affecting a range of species that includes some of the most deadly pests of agriculture and human health. New limonoids are still being discovered in neem, but Azadirachtin, Salannin, Meliantriol and Nimbin are the best known and, for now at least, seem to be the most significant.

How do I use neem meal?

In many ways, neem meal is an almost perfect form of fertilizer. They have high enough levels of NPK nutrients to make them a huge help in organic gardens. Also, they contain enough azadirachtin to keep soil pests away. When used with other fertilizers, neem meal can enhance their efficiency and slowly release their own nutrients. This means that your plants benefit from constant access to the nutrients and experience little risk of getting burned by too much nitrogen exposure. Studies show that garden yields can be 15-25% higher when neem meal is used.