Vermicompost: The Organic Game-Changer for Your Garden

If you're a gardener, you know there's a special joy in taking care of your garden. So you want to be sure you're cultivating the healthiest environment for your plants. Vermicompost is an organic fertilizer and soil amendment that will help you do just that.
Produced through the decomposition of organic materials by earthworms, vermicompost is full of essential nutrients, beneficial microorganisms, and enzymes to help your plants flourish. Often considered a superior form of compost, it's used to promote soil health without packing it full of harmful, synthetic chemicals.
When gardening, you want to use premium products that are also environmentally friendly, as these can not only benefit your plant growth, but also give back to the eco-system. Knowing you aren't flooding the ground with harmful chemicals that can hurt local wildlife means you're positively contributing to the overall environmental wellbeing for generations to come. Organic soil amendments such as vermicompost are rich in essential nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus which they can then replenish the soil with, and provide a balanced and healthy source for plants to thrive in.
They also increase the soil's ability to hold water and nutrients, foster the growth of beneficial soil microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi and contribute to improving the pH levels of the soil. You will need to rely less on chemical fertilizers to maintain a healthy soil that fosters a thriving ecosystem.
What is Vermicompost
Vermicompost is a nutrient-rich organic fertilizer and soil amendment that is created by the decomposition of organic materials using various species of worms. This includes feeding a mix of various worm species (we prefer Red European Nightcrawlers and Tropical Blues) organic waste material such as kitchen scraps which they consume and then excrete out. This excretion features a superior blend of microorganisms, enzymes and nutrients ideal for using as compost.
The process of creating vermicompost can take around 6-8 weeks and as such can come in smaller quantities than usual soil. Because of this, you can use it as a top dressing for your plants, or mixed with regular compost when wanting to spread it on larger surface areas.
The difference between vermicompost and standard compost is the materials it's made from. Traditional compost is made from waste that's undergone a biological breakdown using microbes, whereas vermicompost is made from all organic waste products that use worms to speed up the decomposition process.
Vermicompost has a higher level of nutritional content, requires less space, needs less maintenance and is high in beneficial elements such as phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. All in all, it’s much better for your plants, but it can have a higher price tag to compensate for this, which is worth bearing in mind.

Benefits of Vermicompost in Gardening
Gardening takes time, effort and dedication, so when looking for the best results, you want to use the best products. Vermicompost is one such item and thanks to its many benefits, it can be a real help when you're gardening. Some of these benefits include:
Its high nutrient content help your plants thrive
There are a myriad of nutrients to be found in vermicompost, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and various micronutrients. As they've already been broken down and passed through worms, they are in a form that's ready for plants to easily absorb. This means you don't need to wait for the nutrients to break down in the soil and instead the benefits can be reaped straight away. This promotes quicker plant growth and better health for the plants too.
It improves the structure of the soil and its water retention
The texture of soil can play a huge part in the health of your plants. Vermicompost enhances soil structure by increasing its porosity which in turn promotes better aeration and drainage. This means that water and nutrients can be transferred more easily and plants can access the essentials they need to thrive. The fact it retains water means you don't need to worry about watering your plants as often and they will naturally stay healthy during dryer periods. Vermicompost also offers benefits to soil from chemical properties such as better pH, electrical conductivity and organic matter content that help your plants to grow faster.
It has a host of benefits for the environment
Environmental impact has never been so important and vermicompost is considered a good option in this regard. Reasons for this include the fact you can recycle organic waste materials such as paper, garden waste and kitchen scraps, keeping them from landfills and reducing the production of greenhouse gases. It is also a natural process that doesn't involve chemicals being released into the earth, which can cause pollution. By using vermicompost your soil health will flourish and there is a reduced need for chemical fertilizers which are harmful both to water and local wildlife. Resources are conserved and sustainable agriculture is also promoted.

How to Create Your Own Vermicompost
If you're looking to set up a vermicomposting system at home, it's not too difficult and can save you money from purchasing it yourself. Simply follow these steps:
- Find a suitable container - The container you choose for your vermicompost should be well-ventilated, durable, non-toxic and has a lid to keep the worms protected and moisture levels maintained. Example containers could be wooden boxes, plastic bins or specially made vermicomposting bins.
- Prepare the container - Set your container on a tray to collect any excess liquid, then drill holes in the sides and bottom for drainage and aeration. You'll then want to add shredded paper and leaves as bedding for the worms. Soak this in water and wring it out so it feels damp rather than soaking, before place in the box or container.
- Add your worms - Purchase worms that are good for composting such as Red European Nightcrawlers and place these on the bedding.
- Feed your worms - Remember, the quality of your vermicompost will depend on what you feed them! When making our worm castings, we're very careful about only feeding them the highest quality diet, which results in higher levels of nutrients and minerals. So, go ahead and add organic matter such as scraps of fruit and vegetable peels and crushed egg shells to your container. You should only add items that are organic, so they can easily break down but won’t attract insects or create strong odors. Ensure you keep an eye on your system and if the bedding gets too dry, add some water to maintain a nice damp level that the worms will thrive in. You can also use our Worm Feed and Grit to ensure the highest quality vermicompost.
- Harvest time - Harvest the compost that's produced by scooping it from one side, gently allowing the worms to move to the other side. Once it's been collected it's ready to use!
Using Vermicompost in Your Garden
When the time comes to use vermicompost in your garden, you want to do it properly. Don’t just haphazardly scatter the compost everywhere and hope for miracle results. Instead, follow the next steps to make the most of it:
- Prepare your soil prior to planting your plants by mixing vermicompost into the soil that's already there. Either dig it into the top few inches of soil or spread a layer of it on the surface before using a garden fork to evenly distribute it. Take care not to disturb the roots of plants that are already there.
- If digging a small hole for your new seeds, add vermicompost to this for an immediate nutrient boost. Add it to the soil at the beginning of the season as well as throughout the year. By doing this you'll maintain a high quality of soil and ensure your plants experience consistent growth.
- Many types of plants and gardens can benefit from vermicomposting including vegetable gardens, herb gardens, flower gardens, fruit trees and shrubs, lawns and landscaping and more.
Vermicompost and Plant Health
It's really disappointing to put time and effort in planting a garden just to have your precious plants ruined by disease. Good sustainable gardening practices and adequate plant spacing can really help with this, but adding vermicompost can also promote the health of your plants and fend off diseases. Thanks to vermicompost's rich nutrients, enhanced soil structure properties, beneficial microorganisms and more, it generates an enhanced plant immune response that can make them more resistant to diseases. Giving them an optimal environment will also reduce stress and better defend against threats.
Synthetic fertilizers, on the other hand, can have nutrient imbalances, disrupt soil health, and don't support soil microbial life as effectively as organic matter does. This means plants can be more susceptible to harmful diseases and poor health.
By enriching the soil with essential nutrients, improving its structure and water retention, and bolstering plant health, vermicompost plays a pivotal role in promoting vigorous and sustainable plant growth. Its environmentally friendly nature further enhances its appeal, allowing us to garden in a more sustainable and responsible way. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, the use of vermicompost can transform your gardening experience.