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Revival Plant Tea

Revival Tea is made with our most powerful organic ingredients and is used to feed and protect your soil, plants, and trees. Consisting of karanja meal, neem meal, alfalfa meal, North Atlantic sea kelp and malted barley grains, these nutrients, when applied as a tea, helps pest management and provides everything your soil and plants need. Use it weekly to have healthy, nutrient dense and chemical free plants with less problems. Does not harm pollinators and good bugs that help our gardens. This tea can be combined with Aloe Vera, Humic acid, Agsil 16H and other organic products to make even more powerful teas.

Tea Bag Included.



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Revival Plant Tea

Product Information

Organic Tea Fertilizer

The biology of the soil is dependent on its microbial populations. These microbes are dependent on organic matter and minerals just like plants. Soil drench and spray our tea on the plant leaves of your vegetable gardens and fruit trees. Apply often, weekly is recommended to supply all nutrient needs. Regular applications of Revival Plant Tea will increase soil fertility, improve soil structure, and stimulate plant health. The best time to apply our tea is early morning or late afternoon.

What is IPM (Integrated Pest Management)?

Integrated pest management(IPM) is an ecosystem-based strategy that focuses on long-term prevention of pests or their damage through a combination of techniques such as biological control, habitat manipulation, modification of cultural practices, and use of resistant varieties.

Use roughly 1/2 cup per gallon or 2 cups per 5 gallons of non-chlorinated water.

  1. Place amendments in nylon bag and close.
  2. Place bag in non-chlorinated water.
  3. Steep for 24 hrs. or use bubbler for 8 hrs.
  4. Fill sprayer then apply.
  5. Spray the top and bottom of your leaves and soil drench.
  6. Take the remaining meal inside your bag and apply it around the base of your plants.

Revival Plant Tea

Revival Plant Tea

Revival Tea is made with our most powerful organic ingredients and is used to feed and protect your soil, plants, and trees. Consisting of karanja meal, neem meal, alfalfa meal, North Atlantic sea kelp and malted barley grains, these nutrients, when applied as a tea, helps pest management and provides everything your soil and plants need. Use it weekly to have healthy, nutrient dense and chemical free plants with less problems. Does not harm pollinators and good bugs that help our gardens. This tea can be combined with Aloe Vera, Humic acid, Agsil 16H and other organic products to make even more powerful teas.

Tea Bag Included.


Delivered Fresh


Easy-To-Use Formulation






Safe for the Environment


Versatile and Economical


Organic Tea Fertilizer

The biology of the soil is dependent on its microbial populations. These microbes are dependent on organic matter and minerals just like plants. Soil drench and spray our tea on the plant leaves of your vegetable gardens and fruit trees. Apply often, weekly is recommended to supply all nutrient needs. Regular applications of Revival Plant Tea will increase soil fertility, improve soil structure, and stimulate plant health. The best time to apply our tea is early morning or late afternoon.

Common Questions

What is IPM (Integrated Pest Management)?

Integrated pest management(IPM) is an ecosystem-based strategy that focuses on long-term prevention of pests or their damage through a combination of techniques such as biological control, habitat manipulation, modification of cultural practices, and use of resistant varieties.